"You never get a second chance to make a first impression." Have you ever heard this saying? Before we get a chance to say a word, our gestures and manners have already spoken for us. Though some of the rules of good manners change, others remain constant. Etiquette and Dining: covers most table manners you will need to feel comfortable in all situations. Many will judge you based on your table manners alone. That's not too surprising when you consider that we use all of our manners at the table-courtesy, consideration and respect. Thus, it does seem prudent to possess the very best table manners possible.
1. Etiquette: An Overview
2. Table Manners
3. Business Meals
4. Sushi
5. Wine Etiquette
6. Tea Etiquette
Kalini Loke is a lecturer, where she teaches hotel management. She has received the many award from the Counsel of Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Educators. She is the author of four books and numerous articles, and is the editor of several publications.