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Wines and Winemaking

Author: Wayne A. Gonzales,

MRP $ 89   Price $ 80.1

ISBN : 9789395806169

Year : 2023

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 268

Weight : 0.5 Kg

Dimension (CM) : 16 X 24 X 2

Publisher Name : The Hospitality Press

In truth, winemaking is an arduous process of observations, sanitization, and practices all for the purpose of shepherding billions of microbes through the bewildering process of fermentation. This comprehensive volume provides a holistic view of the basics and applied aspects of wine production and technology. The book comprises production steps, dotted with the latest trends or the innovations in the fields. It draws upon the expertise of leading researchers in the wine making worldwide.

1. Wine: An Introduction

2. Ethanol

3. Wine Chemistry

4. Harvest

5. Pressing

6. Maceration

7. Fermentation

8. Aging of Wine 

9. Packaging, Accessories and Storage 

10. Glossary of Winemaking Terms




Wayne A. Gonzales is a trained yeast geneticist who focuses on sugar catabolism and fermentation. He is a retired professor and geneticist. Wayne A. Gonzales has an undergraduate degree from San Francisco State University and masters' degree from there while working on the bacteria Pseudomonas. He then earned a Ph.D., from the University of California, where he worked on metabolism of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.