This book addresses the digitization of all processes and value chains in the tourism, travel, hospitality and catering industries. By exploring the new technological trends it provides a solid basis for analyzing the impacts of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) revolution on the tourism industry. The book adopts a strategic management and marketing perspective for tourism enterprises and destinations. It suggests that E-Tourism revolutionizes all business processes, the entire value chain as well as the strategic relationships of tourism organizations with all their stakeholders. The book is aimed at advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students in business, tourism and hospitality programmes that need to explore how they can use ICTs in a strategic context. It is also anticipated that researchers and practitioners will find it useful and stimulating.
1. Introduction
2. Computer Reservation Systems
3. ICTs Meet the Tourism Industry
4. Intelligent Software Agents and Tourism
5. Dynamic Packaging Systems and Etourism
Rashmi Rana has over 26 years of experience in the tourism and hospitality industry. She has worked in destination marketing and management, hospitality sales, operations, and transportation marketing. Rashmi Rana has a distinct perspective of tourism product development — from extreme destinations with little exposure to very busy and popular experiences striving to differentiate themselves. Rashmi Ranahas been honoured to serve on many tourism-oriented boards and advisory groups.