Human Resource Management is a book which gives you an insight about the history and evolution of human resource. You will find the pioneering and era changing events in the field of Human Resources in this book. This book talks about the era when employees were considered as workers and also that how those workers have evolved to HUMAN RESOURCE. This book talks about the global perception towards managing human resources. After completing this book you will understand the value, concept, functioning and challenges of Human Resource Management in Hospitality Industry.
Chapter 1. Workforce
Chapter 2. Human Capital
Chapter 3. Women in the Workforce
Chapter 4. Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Chapter 5. HRM
Chapter 6. Talent Management
Chapter 7. Human Resource Management in Hospitality
Nikita Tomar works as an Assistant Professor in The School of Culinary and Hotel Management of Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies. She had been associated with the universities as LPU, Himalyan University, GNA University during her experience of more than a decade as academician. She also has published research papers in reputed journals of hospitality on both national and international level. She also has been granted with both national and international patents during her career. Human Resource Management in Hospitality is Nikita's fourth book.